Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We decided to forgo the extra day in Tahoe. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely here but I got a pretty good feel for it and drank in plenty of the sites during my 8-hr bike ride Sunday.

So it was sleep in day, a final team lunch and then come up with a plan for the day. We decided to make a trip into Yosemite for the two days before our planned camping trip with my friends. We got into the park in the late afternoon and contented ourselves with a leisurely drive. We stopped along the road at several locations and drank in the sites. I'll post a few photos when I have a chance to download them.

There were no accomodations in the park so we had to drive through. We were able to make reservations in one of the heated tents at Curry Village for tonight so we're heading back into the Park for a day of exploring. We plan to check out the Sequoias and then take a hike to Upper Yosemite Falls.

More later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are missing a very important day, June 1st!