Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday night light? Right....

Thursday night spin class is supposed to be more of light workout so we can save the legs for the longer mileage Saturday sessions. Not today! Coach DJ (aka the sadist) was out sick on Tuesday but came back today with a vengeance.

The majority of the workout was more big gear work to build leg strength and endurance. Then we followed up with those damn interval sprints. 20 seconds "on" at 140+ rpm, 20 seconds back at 80 rpm to "recover", repeat ad naseum. Hmm, naseum sounds a lot like nauseated which is how I felt after the second set of those, when the intervals went from 20 seconds to 45 seconds.

I knew I was having a tough workout when I got to 90% max heart rate and looked down to see a puddle of my sweat beneath my bike. Well, it didn't kill me so that means it made me stronger, right?

Nix the plans to ride my bike to work tomorrow. Unplanned rest day tomorrow to be ready for the extra hill work planned for this Saturday.

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