Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mid-Week Training

It seems that I lost a little pep in my step during the two weeks off the bike during my vacation. Beside the world's slowest 1/2-marathon, my exercise during vacation was limited to walking between Barbecue Joints in Nashville. Didn't really feel like riding but with some big mile rides coming up over the next month and I knew that I had to get some miles in during the week.

Big Ring Tuesday was pretty good but climbing today at Mt Soledad was tough. Rode with Lisa Hill and did two repeats. It was pretty warm and I was huffing and puffing. Heat is my personal Kryptonite and just saps the strength out of me. Toughed it out on the uphills and screamed on the downhills to relieve a little stress. Got up to 41 MPH on the Nautilus St. downhill. Wheee!

Totals were 14 miles with right around 1600 feet of climbing.

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