Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm In

Well it looks like I finally managed to secure an entry to the Lighthouse Century Ride on September 27. I've been trying for months but was finally able to buy a registration from another rider who found that he couldn't make it. I've got a few more weeks to train up for it and the 70+ I did on Saturday was a good start. Time to make a training schedule. The usual method is to increase mileage by 5-10 miles a week until you get over 90 miles two weeks before the event. The weekend before the event is a backdown week where the mileage is more like 40 top which gives your body a week to recover so that you are strong on event day.

I'll be riding with some Tahoe teammates and other TnT people which means that I'll at least have a wheel to follow for most of it.

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