Monday, July 16, 2007

What is this blog thing?

My very first blog. I'm so proud! Hey friends, family and foes, I'm writing from the sunny land of San Diego, CA. I'll be writing about my training exploits and experiences for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. This is a great non-profit organization whose purpose is nothing less than finding the cure for blood cancers (Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma). Team in Training is a group of fanatical volunteers who train for and participate in endurance events such as marathons, triathlons, century bike rides, and major hiking trips all to raise awareness and money to find a cure for cancer! I've taken on a major challenge for my first event. I'm trying to raise $6,500 so I can participate in the Dublin Adidas Marathon. That's 26.2 miles which should take me somewhere between 7 and 8 hours of continuous walking. Yow!

I've had a lot of requests from those that have already contributed to my fundraising effort to keep them informed on how my training is coming along so blogging seemed like a good idea. I'm doing pretty good so far, having raised over $2,300 , but I've got a long way to go. If want to chart my progress or hopefully contribute, roam over to my TnT site.

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